I understand that if my vendor application is successful, I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of participation as outlined below.

North Shore Kids Fest Vendors:

    • Upon vendor acceptance, your payment is due within 72 hours of being notified. If payment is not received your space will automatically be removed from the list.
    • All vendors are required to have liability insurance covering the duration of the market including the setup and a minimum coverage of $2,000,000 liability.
    • Vendors are required to provide proof of insurance two weeks prior to the North Shore Kids Fest.
    • Vendor fees are non-refundable or transferable
    • Vendors agree the photography they submit will be shared in North Shore Kids Fest marketing channels. Also, as a vendor, table displays and products will be photographed for current and future social media and marketing including our website.
    • Vendors must only sell the products outlined in their application unless prior approval is obtained.
    • Vendors understand they are responsible for obtaining all permits, licenses, insurance, and approvals reasonably required to sell products and to do onsite food sampling which is approved by Vancouver Coastal Health.
    • Vendors are responsible for the collection of sales tax and credit/debit services.
    • Vendors are legally liable for any negative consequences resulting from the purchase or consumption of their goods.
    • Load-in instructions and onsite placement will be specific as per each market and vendors must be market-ready 30 minutes prior to the event. Vendors will be provided with a set-up and tear-down schedule before the event. At the closing of the event, vendors are required to leave their vendor space clear and free of garbage and recycling.
    • Vendors must remain set up in their spaces until the close of the event.
    • As a vendor, you will indemnify North Shore Kids Fest for any loss, fine, penalty, judgment, legal fees, and expenses reasonably connected with your failure to comply with the terms of this agreement or any liability, negligence, gross negligence or injury resulting from your products, actions, conduct, booth setup, display or trade activities.
    • North Shore Kids Fest will be excused of any performance obligations in the event of a disastrous occurrence outside the control of an act of God (fires, explosions, earthquakes, hurricane, natural disasters, global pandemic, flooding, storms, or infestation), or War, Invasion or other Hostility (whether declared or not), or any hazardous situation created outside the control of North Shore Kids Fest such as a riot, disorder, nuclear leak or explosion, or act or threat of terrorism.
    • Wonder Wonders Foundation is not liable for any damage or loss whatsoever, arising from any cause, nor for any loss incurred by reason of failure of The Vendor to obtain such insurance or failure of such insurance to cover any loss.
    • Failure to comply with the above terms will result in the cancellation of your application.


North Shore Kids Fest Food Trucks and Vendors:

    • Upon vendor acceptance, your payment is due within 72 hours of being notified. If payment is not received your space will automatically be removed from the list.
    • Food Truck and Vendor fees are non-refundable or transferable
    • Market load in times will be communicated upon acceptance.
    • Food trucks are required to have liability insurance covering the duration of the market including the setup and a minimum coverage of $2,000,000 liability. We will provide direction on how to obtain insurance if needed. Vendors are required to provide proof of insurance two weeks prior to the North Shore Kids Fest.
    • Food trucks are not permitted to leave before the end of the event. If there is an emergency, please inform us at the event before packing up. If there is no valid reason, this will affect your participation at future Kids Fest events.
    • Each food vendor must comply with all VCH rules and have VCH approval before event day. If we do not receive this information North Shore Kids Fest participation will not be granted.
    • Each food vendor must have a business license which should be confirmed no less than two weeks before the event. If we do not receive this information North Shore Kids Fest participation will not be granted.
    • Access to electricity will be provided upon request.
    • Vendors agree to be photographed at North Shore Kids Fest and to allow market photos to be used for promotional purposes.
    • I understand that I am legally liable for any negative consequences following the purchase or consumption of my products.
    • North Shore Kids Fest vendors are solely responsible for obtaining the necessary permits, licenses, facilities, insurance, and approvals required to sell your goods at the event. North Shore Kids Fest is not responsible for any loss, damage or theft as a result of failure to do so.
    • If any government agency, court, person or commercial body orders the sale of your products cease, you will immediately comply with this order.
    • As a vendor, you will indemnify North Shore Kids Fest for any loss, fine, penalty, judgment, legal fees, and expenses reasonably connected with your failure to comply with the terms of this agreement or any liability, negligence, gross negligence or injury resulting from your products, actions, conduct, booth setup, display or trade activities.
    • In the unlikely circumstance that the event is cancelled, we will not provide any compensation for loss of income.

By joining the event, participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.


You can find, read, and acknowledge Free Raffle Terms and Conditions here.